Things 3 or not?

The people at Culturecode updated Things from v2 to v3. There is no upgrade pricing. Which is understandable after so many years of development. I’m asking myself now: “Should I spend the 50€ (macOS + iOS) version?” The thing (lowercase) is I moved on. I didn’t start Things (upper case) for a long time. I moved on to Taskpaper, but even these are not part of my daily habits. After I first evaluation of the trial app, I still wasn’t convinced that I should move back.

This seems the biggest challenge for me. The feeling I’m moving backward.

If you have any thoughts on this contact @fmoronzirfas me on Twitter1.


  1. While I’m writing this Twitter is down (2017-05-19 13:55). How to get news if Twitter is down and whats up when your standard service for checking such things is affected?