The Type.
A spacial object gets spacial by its shadows.
Shows the usage of text in Processing and demonstrates the Law Of Closure
Shows how to use the underline settings to hide parts of a character. It repeats this for each second character.
Shifting the baseline of each character
Just the basics on how to add text to a page and access lines and words
Shows how to use the strikethrough settings to hide parts of a character. The brain still sees the "Gestalt" of the character.
Come closer. Can you still spot the character?
Heavily parameterized splash image creation. Uses a font that has to be installed on the users machine.
This example adds text to a path in InDesign. It takes random characters from an array of unicode signs and adds them to the path.
Rotate and duplicate an element on the page in InDesign
one single character repeated several times.
This example creates a dialog and waits for the user to make a selection.